Task Force Participants

Accounting has been deeply transformed due to analytics and access to large quantities of data. Much of the work that was done 20 years ago by 1st and 2nd year associates has now been automated, outsourced, and/or is being conducted by paraprofessionals. Newly hired employees in public accounting are doing work that is similar to what was performed by 3rd and 4th year associates two decades ago. Additionally, the demand for data scientists within the profession is on the rise, displacing in some instances the demand for accountants.
As a result, the need for foundational knowledge within accounting, including tax regulations, financial reporting standards and internal control processes and procedures has declined as large portions of this information has been programmed into automated systems. In contrast the demand for higher order thinking skills and fluency around the use, management, and creation of technological systems is on the rise. One important consideration remains the requirement that undergraduate accounting curricula have to provide the knowledge required by the examining bodies for the widely accepted certifications of CA/CPA (Charter Accountant / Certified Public Accountant), and as a result, there is relatively less variation in accounting programs compared to other disciplines.
Task force leaders:

Nicole Thorne Jenkins, CPA
Nicole Thorne Jenkins became the John A. Griffin Dean of the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia on July 1, 2020. Prior to arriving at McIntire, Dean Jenkins was the Von Allmen Endowed Chair of Accountancy and Vice Dean in the Gatton College of Business and Economics at the University of Kentucky. Dean Jenkins received her Ph.D. in Accounting from the University of Iowa and completed her undergraduate work in Accounting and Finance at Drexel University. Her research interests include the investigation of financial reporting failures, share repurchase, and the effect of social networks on performance outcomes. Her teaching experience has focused on financial reporting topics in both executive education, graduate, and undergraduate programs.
Dean Jenkins is a Certified Public Accountant and is the immediate past president of the Financial Accounting & Reporting Section of the American Accounting Association. Prior to becoming an academic, she was an Auditor and Consultant at PriceWaterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand. Additionally, she consults and serves as an expert witness in matters related to financial reporting, valuation, and estimation of damages.

Rose Layton
Dr. Layton is Professor of Clinical Accounting at the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business. She is an expert in auditing and assurance and financial accounting, particularly in the areas of auditor liability and financial statement fraud. She is a Searle Fellow and a recipient of the Margaret Keldie Award from the American Society of Woman Accountants.