The nine task forces in MaCuDE represent the foundational pillars of business education. Each task force is responsible for identifying necessary changes for business education and providing a roadmap that helps other business schools adapt to the new digital era.

The MaCuDE task forces are made up of the following:

Some of the questions that will guide the work of each task force include:

  • What is the state-of-the-art of management curricula in the discipline? How have management curricula adapted to the digital era — including new programs or courses, updated content, new cases, next-generation tools?
  • How can we develop a new mindset that is needed for the digital era? How can we teach evidence-based decision-making?
  • How is work changing? Where will decisions be made in the organization, and how will collaboration take place?
  • What new skills are needed, and how can business programs be modified to address these new needs?
  • How can academia prepare students to face the pressing ethical issues that arise when machines control or share decision-making responsibility?
  • How can traditional education be blended with the needs for education in a world of artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics?

The task force on Future of Learning and Work is somewhat different, in that it is not focused on one discipline. In addition to the above considerations, this task force will consider the following questions, among others:

  • What are alternative scenarios for the future of work?
  • For new and emerging occupations, what are new technological skills that will be needed?
  • For new and emerging occupations, what are the general skills that will become increasingly important? For existing occupations, what business and technology skills will be more important in the future?
  • What new technologies deserve particular attention by the business school community?
  • How can curricula be modified to better train students in general skills such as critical thinking, design thinking and analytic methods?
  • How can learning be enhanced through industry participation?
  • What can business schools offer to help those who are currently employed to minimize their skill gaps?
  • How can we enhance the ability to learn in an environment of continuous change and prolonged duration of work life?